Practical guide: how to organise featured stories on instagram

Storie in evidenza su Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social platforms in the world, with over 2 billion active users.

It certainly needs no introduction but it is worth mentioning that it has become one of the most powerful tools for companies that want to promote their products/services; this is because it offers a very wide and diverse audience.

The latter can easily be achieved through paid advertising or through the use of creative and engaging content.

But Instagram is not just a place to promote products; it is also a way for your company to build an authentic relationship with its customers and create a strong and memorable brand image.

With its wide range of marketing tools and the ability to connect with a global audience, this social media platform offers endless opportunities for businesses to grow and prosper.

Among these many opportunities is being able to showcase your brand’s personality and culture and share stories to show the behind the scenes of your business.

And it is precisely on stories that our web agency wants to focus today, providing you with a practical guide on how to organise featured stories on Instagram.

But why exactly on the featured stories?

It is well known that one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience on Instagram is through Stories, which allow you to share moments from your life or business quickly and effectively.

How to make featured stories even more visible and engaging for your audience?

The answer is ‘Featured’, an Instagram feature that allows you to collect and present your most important and interesting Stories in one place.

At this point the question arises, how to create the ‘Featured’ on Instagram?

Our web agency doesn’t want to limit itself to a simple answer, it wants to give you a practical and useful guide that will help you organise your featured stories on Instagram.

Practical guide: how to organise your featured stories

As we mentioned in the previous section, Instagram Stories are an effective way to connect with your audience and create a consistent image of your brand or business.

One of the most useful features is ‘Featured‘, which is a collection of selected Stories that you can save on your profile page.

Here’s how to organise featured stories on Instagram through your ‘Featured’ in a few simple steps:

1. Add Stories

Adding Stories to Instagram’s ‘Featured’ is a great way to increase the visibility of your content and engage your audience more directly. Here are the steps to follow to add Stories to ‘Featured’:

Storie in evidenza

1. Open Instagram and go to your profile.

2. Tap on your profile icon in the top left to access your profile.

3. Tap the “+” icon in the top left to create a new Story.

4. Create your Story using the available features such as filters, text, stickers, polls and more.

5. When you’re finished creating your Story, tap the “Add to Story” button at the bottom right.

6. Once you have published your Story, you will see an option called “Add to your Story “Featured”. Tap this option to add your Story to the “in the foreground” section of your profile.

7. Select the duration for which you would like your Story to remain in the ‘in the foreground’. You can choose between 24 hours, 7 days or unlimited time.

8. Tap “Share” to publish your Story to the “Featured” section of your profile.

Your Story has now been added to the ‘Featured’ section of your profile and will be visible to all your followers.

In addition, if someone visits your profile, they will see your ‘Featured’ Story and will be able to view it even after it has been removed from your main Story.

2. Choose the name of the ‘In the foreground

One of the fundamental steps in creating a ‘Featured’ on Instagram is to assign a name that describes it briefly and clearly. Although you can use up to 16 characters for the name of the “Featured”, it is important to keep in mind that the title will be cut off and displayed as “…” if it is too long.

If you wish to create your first ‘Featured’ for your current story, simply enter a descriptive name in the ‘New Featured’ pop-up window and press the ‘Add’ button.

On the other hand, if you are creating a “Featured” using your archived stories, after selecting all the stories you wish to add, a window will be displayed in which you can enter the name of your “Featured”.

It is important to choose a name that reflects the content of the Stories included in your “Featured” so that your audience can immediately understand what it is and why they should click to view it.

Storie Instagram

3. Customise the cover

Covers are the thumbnails that appear on your Instagram page, so they should be eye-catching and represent the ‘Featured’ content.

Instagram offers you the possibility to choose a default cover from your Stories, but you can also customise it

choosing an image from your gallery or creating one from your graphics software.

To customise your ‘Featured’ covers, follow these steps:

1. Open the ‘Featured’ that you wish to customise.

2. Tap and hold the Story whose cover you wish to customise.

3. Select the “Edit cover” option in the menu that appears.

4. Choose an image from your gallery or create a new image using the graphics software.

5. Adjust the position and size of the image to fit the cover.

6. Save your customised cover.

7. Repeat steps 2-6 for each Featured Story.

Alternatively, you can use third-party applications to create customised covers for your Featured Stories.

4. Edit ‘Featured’

To edit ‘Featured’, tap the ‘Heart’ icon on your profile screen and select ‘Edit

From here, you can edit the name of the ‘Featured’, the covers of the Stories and the Stories included.

How to Organise Featured Stories: The Conclusions

In conclusion, organising featured Stories on Instagram is a great way to present your brand or business in an effective and engaging way to your audience.

A well-organised ‘Featured’ can help present your business in a consistent and professional manner, increasing your visibility and creating a solid and memorable brand image.

However, managing your social media effectively requires time and expertise, so it is advisable to hire a professional social media manager to manage your social media accounts.

Our web agency offers social media management services tailored to different needs, helping both professionals and companies achieve marketing goals and create a consistent and engaging image.

Contact us today to find out how we can help your business thrive on social media!